To develop a model village on WASH (Water, Hygiene Sanitation) through awareness creation, construction of house hold toilets, garbage management, construction of rain water harvesting structures, eradicate open defecation in the targeted village.
Objectives of the Proposal:
- To make the people to understand the importance of clean and sanitized environment through awareness creation
- To sensitize the community on the water usage and rain water harvest, importance of house hold and school toilets and the ill effects of open defecation system
- To motivate the community in participating in the construction of the house hold toilets, school toilets with water facility, water preservation, waste water management.
- To motivate the women, youth, children and the community in acquiring immunity from water borne and open defecation systems through using latrines, developing school and kitchen gardens, good maintenance of water pumps, pipe lines etc
- To make the people to understand the participatory approach in water, sanitation and hygiene.
- To plant saplings in the streets, backyards and other community lands to make the hamlets eco and environment friendly.