The Communication Hub is a development information hub that brings together some finest communication professionals from the development sectors.
Created as a ‘one-stop communication shop’ the CLRC-KALPAVRIKSH COMMUNICATION HUB offers
- Development of strategies and action plans
- Materials design and production
- Training
- Communication research and
- Documentation
Vision:”Our vision is to harness the power of communication for the goals of development, both at the individual and larger societal level
Services Offered: The Communication Hub offers the following services
The Communication Hub offers strategic support to help design your communication intervention. A well-designed communication strategy provides you with direction and prioritizes your actions so as to make the maximum impact with the resources you have. An action plan is then designed that serves as your guidepost for budgeting and monitoring your intervention.
We undertake design and development of social sector communication campaigns, covering a wide range of print, electronic, interactive and innovative product development and design.
Communication products that we design:
- ICT based tools
- Posters, leaflets, booklets
- Film: documentaries, training films, curtain raisers, etc
- Audio materials: Music based products to support behaviour change communication;
- One-on-one and group communication aids
- Thematic street theatre scripts and song booklets
- Reminder materials such as desk and wall calendars
The Communication Hub offers training programmes in the following areas:
Designing effective communication strategies and interventions
- Print, audio-visual, ICT-based design and production
- Research in communication programmes
- Using communication aids effectively
- Skills enhancement in interpersonal and group communication
- Working with folk media
- Engagement of communication agencies for social sector campaigns
- Integrating entertainment with information
This includes formative research, communication needs assessment studies, monitoring and evaluation of programmes, materials pre-testing and other information support to your communication intervention.
We have expertise in both print and audio-visual documentation of programmes highlighting best practices, key learnings and case studies.