Padunbadi Village First Ever Animal Health Camp
Padunbadi is one of revenue village in Gumamaha G.P. under Raikia block, surrounded by forest and Natural habitat. Being geographically hostile location and its incompatible distance from Raikia makes the extension of government scheme a unlike proposal. Still not a single road to reach or electrification established.
Consisting of 102 households here economy of most families depends significantly upon the good health of their livestock. Realising the importance of livestock in the livelihood of tribal families, and the poor access of animal health care service due to the remoteness of the village, a camp was organized to provide veterinary services at door steps. This was a small initiative taken by Kalpavriksh. This was the first ever animal health camp organized in Padunbadi. Apart from vaccination this program includes awareness and spreading message of kindness towards livestock. Overall it was a great experience for Padunbadi where more than 200 animals got treatment.