SHG and Entry point activity
With a population of 102, Padunbadi village is one of revenue village in Gumamaha G.P under Raikia block. Being heavily depends upon agriculture and forest based livelihood this village couldn’t provide sufficient economy to its families. Fight for survival is being the life time mission and natural resource is been the main source, resulting it to a poor village. During this struggle women have suffered the most. They have to cope with day to day domestic need such as fetching of water, collecting of woods, nursing of children and sick, attending to livestock apart from agricultural activities. In spite of this role, women are treated as idle. They are not supposed to express their opinion and decision in a village development meeting. A small initiative taken by Kalpavriksh in collaboration to form a SHG in this village. 10.nos of women join hands to form a SHG named as “Shiv Shakti ”. As most of women have been suffering from unsafe water, lack of sanitation and negligence, this SHG targeted these activities as their first work beside their regular meeting and savings. Shiv Shakti SHG repaired a chuan in their village where each family fetch water regularly and beside that made a bathroom for women also. This activity was completed within a stipulated period with concern of Kalpavriksh entry point activity. This was the first ever work undertaken by “Shiv Shakti ”, completed successfully and made an impact.